Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Lupercalia everyone!

While we all in the here-and-now may consider February 14th Valentine's Day, in my mind, it is Lupercalia! Time to sacrifice some goats and run around Rome half-naked hitting people with a hide thong!

My February 14ths have always been considerably lackluster. I woke up this morning, resigning myself to a day that is just like most other days in Portland—slightly chilly, vaguely rainy, no sun in sight—only with the added benefit of large quantities of chocolate. But the prospect of a mostly depressing morning quickly disappeared when I opened up my email inbox to find a message from one of my professors (and qual adviser), asking me to work on a ridiculously interesting joint research project with him over the summer, that I would receive compensation for and my name listed as a co-author on the final publication. 

I am so excited I could burst. I'll post a bit more on this later, but right now I want to jump around giddily (and then should probably translate some Aristotle...).

Monday, February 7, 2011

Cross-posted this to twitter already, but it deserves a spot here as well

(I absolutely adore that my friends link me to these kinds of things. Shout out to Erin, my lovely flatmate, for this!)

From Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal comics