It's over. Done. I could not be happier. 5PM on Thursday: cracked out and exhausted, but so glad. Drank a victory beer, cleared out my library desk, sat around Commons, showered (getting the feeling of library off of oneself is the most glorious thing), played beer pong, got slightly drunk, cried at Jen for an hour or two about boys and life (mostly induced by severe sleep deprivation I think), before passing out watching "Merlin." Yesterday, a lovely dinner with some absolutely lovely people at 3 Doors Down (oysters and beef carpaccio and risotto) before a trip to Pix for dessert and "Archer." Loki is the cutest with the new collar that Sarah has given him, complete with bells for the holidays. Early bed time on Jen's living room futon makes me a happy (well, at least well-rested) camper.
I have five plus hours until I leave for the airport, and am sitting on Jen's couch, eating instant Pad Thai and petting Echo the cat, who is determined that my hair is a plaything and keeps trying to swipe at it with her paws. No obligations whatsoever, which means my brain is on vacation, and I've been watching really crappy movies on Netflix (and when I say really crappy, I mean really crappy). For the first time since August, there is no impending schoolwork looming over my day—an utterly bizarre experience. No Greek translations, no readings on agrarian reform in the 2nd century BCE, no esoteric philosophical topics to puzzle and stress over. Not really sure what I should do with myself - begin a translation of Pindar?
...JUST KIDDING LOLZ (...okay, maybe not...)
i lurve you. have a great great break--thanks for being my working partner. i'm so proud of us!!!