Thursday, December 9, 2010

Everyone should go watch "Jason and the Argonauts" right now.

Our final Greek class of the semester was, predictably, wonderful, even though I was so hungover that I was essentially incapable of rational thought. Sonia brought in lots of delicious Mediterranean food, which we availed ourselves to. And instead of translating or even talking about the Argonautica, we Netflix-Instant-ed "Jason and the Argonauts," an awesome and ridiculous film from the early 60s, WITH CLAYMATION MONSTERS! No joke - the special effects (intensely admired at the time) were created by the same guy who did the original "Clash of the Titans." After this class, however, "Jason and the Argonauts" will forever hold a place in my heart. Giant killer bronze statue! Blue harpies! Lots of short tunics! Medea wearing purple eyeshadow! And who could forget the FIGHTING SKELETONS?!?!!!

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